How A Book Transforms Lives

Books, Writing

Are you ready to transform your business, your life, and other people’s lives by becoming a published author?

A transformational book changes the lives of its readers and the life of its author.

Writing my book, Living Fearlessly, changed my life, and it continues to impact readers around the world. I’m a different person because of my book.

Not only do you have the potential to change millions of people’s lives with your book but you also clarify your own message through the process of getting it written.

Even when your book is written by a ghostwriter you achieve clarity because you’ll talk with your ghostwriter about what you do and how you do it.

Your readers experience the impact of your expertise, experience and wisdom in a simple to consume format.

This means your big message and that of your business, has the potential to reach thousands or even millions of people who are hungry for change in your area of expertise.

Even in this fast moving digital age, books are still THE best way to increase your expert authority and catch the attention of your ideal clients and collaborative partners.

When you have your own published book to represent your business, people take you more seriously and big opportunities begin to show up as if out of the blue.

You may be thinking, ‘Ok, Rachel. This sounds great. But how do I plan, write and publish a transformational book? I don’t where to start, I’m overwhelmed, and my schedule is already full.’

These are common stumbling blocks which stop most people from becoming published authors.

Most people only dream about it but they never quite get around to achieving their dream.

I don’t want you to be like ‘most people’ – letting your published author dream shrivel and die because you don’t have the time, the book writing know-how or the support to get your big message out there into the hands of the people who need your help.

I’m on a mission to help entrepreneurs and business owners to realise their dream of becoming published authors so that collectively we change more lives.

There’s no time like the present. Your book won’t plan, write and publish itself – you have to show up! You have to say, ‘I’m ready.’

If you’re ready to transform your business, and more people’s lives with your own book, I’d love to be your guide. Want to know more? Get in touch or apply here



I’m the bestselling author of The Living Fearlessly books, Certified Transformative Coach and Ghostwriter at Become A Published Author.