Do you question the truth of your own content?

One of the biggest benefits to my clients of working with me as their business book ghostwriter is that I am trained in transformative coaching, and I will challenge their statements in their content (where necessary).

If something doesn’t seem ‘true’ to me I will dig deeper and we will clarify the statement so it is an accurate reflection of the Author’s voice, but also doesn’t raise red flags for a wide variety of readers with inevitably different viewpoints. Some things are just true or untrue—for example, there’s no point debating gravity! It just is. There will be universal truths underpinning most bodies of work. By pointing readers to those, you will have a more impactful and evergreen book.

This is particularly helpful in business books with an element of personal development, which is most of them because people have a habit of adopting their beliefs as truths and then teaching them as truth.

My goal is to help Authors publish a book that will stand the test of time and isn’t about the latest fad of how to think about their topic, but will give solid transformative value to their readers.

Make sense? If you’re planning to hire a business book ghostwriter, I recommend you consider this aspect of the work. Will they challenge your content and help you make it more solid? It is a lot more than just typing up your thoughts…

Want to know more? Get in touch or apply here