15 Signs You’re Ready To Hire A Business Ghostwriter For Your Book
Ever wondered if hiring a ghostwriter is the next step for you? Hiring a ghostwriter is an exciting leap in your career. You don’t need to be a famous celebrity to work with a ghostwriter. In my work with busy CEOs and entrepreneurs, I’ve noticed some commonalities between those who talk about authoring a book, and those who actually do.
If getting your book done seems too overwhelming as a solo project, hiring a professional business ghostwriter is a great solution. Here are the signs, or indications, to help you to see whether you’re ready to take the leap.
15 Signs You’re Business Ghostwriter Ready
1 You regularly speak about your business or methodology, whether as a professional speaker, or in the day to day business of working with clients and/or leading your team.
2 You are the founder of an established business, and want to author a book, but you don’t have the time, desire and/or writing skills to get it done.
3 People see you as an expert on your topic, you have a thriving business, but you never quite get round to writing that book.
4 You’re a professional speaker, or a professional who speaks. Either way, the best way to maximise your efforts, is for people to take you with them when they leave the room, in the form of your book.
5 Writing a book about your methodology or journey, has been on your to-do list for years, and you’re fed up of never realising your dream of becoming a published author.
6 You are passionate about your work, and want your life’s contribution to have meant something. You desire to leave a legacy.
7 You visualise your book, and can’t stop thinking about it. It’s a recurring thought which is doused with frustration because you don’t know how to get it done. You are driven by an inner voice. It’s not an option.
8 The words are in your head but when you come to write them down they sound rubbish. Then self-doubt kicks in and you get stuck. Again.
9 You start writing your book but when you read it back, you realise it doesn’t say what you want, or it says it badly.
10 You’re accustomed to collaborating with experienced people to help you to grow your business. You don’t do it all by yourself. You believe in leveraging the talents of a team.
11 You’re not afraid to invest in professional services. You know that you get what you pay for and you want the best book possible to showcase your business.
12 You’re ready to develop your personal brand. You’ve come to the understanding that there’s no better way than authoring a book. You have expertise or a story to share. But you’re not a writer.
13 People tell you frequently that you should write a book. You agree, but for whatever reason you don’t. You would love to.
14 You would rather spend your precious free time, reading a good book rather than writing one!
15 When you’re supposed to be writing your book, instead, you find yourself walking the dog or emptying the dishwasher. Anything to avoid writing…
You may recognise some or all of these signs. If this sounds like you, reach out and let’s talk. I’d love to help you to make 2020 the year you hold your fabulous book in your hands. Want to know more? Get in touch or apply here