Want A Book But Don’t Want To Write It Yourself?

Books, Ghostwriting, Writing

In my conversations with entrepreneurs about ghostwriting their books, I’ve noticed they have similar misunderstandings about what it takes to get a book done.

Potential authors often don’t realise they can outsource the writing of their book. Ghostwriting is a profession with a fancy name which many have never heard of. Or if they have, they think it’s only for celebrities. 

As a Ghostwriter, I offer a service for busy entrepreneurs where some or all of the following apply:

  • They don’t have the desire to write their own book 
  • They don’t have the time to write a book 
  • They don’t have the planning and/or writing skills

What they all have in common is a desire to become a published author so they have a book to represent their personal brand and business.

If you’ve sat down to try to write your book, you may find yourself feeling gloomy about your lack of writing ability. The brilliant ideas which are so clear in your head, don’t seem to sing on the page once you’ve got them down.

The great news is that it doesn’t mean your ideas aren’t brilliant. It just means you’re not a brilliant writer. Think about it; because you cook delicious meals for your family, it doesn’t mean you’re going to be the top chef at the Savoy.  Why would you be if that’s not your profession?

But for some reason, entrepreneurs beat themselves up for not being able to write a book. Writing a blog post is not the same as writing a book, no matter how many people say that’s all you need to collate a book.  These are usually the people who promote writing your book in 24 hours or some other ridiculous notion.

If you want to write a shit book then, yes, 24 hours will do nicely. If you want a professional book, you’re going to need to get more serious with it.

Writing a book isn’t the same as talking to your clients or speaking on stage. The art of effective speaking is very different to professional writing. Ever read a blog post which is a transcript from a video or audio? The writing is terrible because we don’t write as we speak. It doesn’t read well if we do!

And if you don’t want to write your book yourself and want it done for you, then that’s perfectly okay. There’s no need to feel bad and give yourself a hard time.

It’s unlikely you’d be upset if you didn’t have the skills to build your own website, so why expect to automatically possess the skills to write a book to a professional standard?

Ghostwriting does require a substantial investment. This is one of the reasons why some people may decide to write their book themselves even when they’re not good writers. It’s a false economy because a below average book won’t do you or your business any favours. 

Investing in Ghostwriting is worth every penny when you’re in business and want to maximise your time. Rather than spending hundreds of hours struggling to write your own book, you could be investing those precious hours into income generating activities. This is likely to cover your investment many times over. Your book will be representing you for years to come so make sure it’s as good as it can be.

If you are inspired to write your own book, that’s great. Many do. Get a solid book writing strategy and go for it. But there’s no shame if you’re inspired to become a published author and don’t want to deal with the mechanics of writing your book yourself.

A Ghostwriter knows how to translate your thoughts into a book so that it comes across as you but is written by a pro.

If you’re ready to finally get that amazing book idea out of your head and into the world, reach out for a free consultation.

You can hire me to:

  • Co-writing / rewrite what you’ve already got 

  • Complete your book if you’re stuck halfway through

Click to enquire about working with me, if you’d like to discuss any of these options to support you to reach your goal.



I’m the bestselling author of The Living Fearlessly books, Certified Transformative Coach and Ghostwriter at Become A Published Author.