5 Ways Becoming A Published Author Gets You More Speaking Gigs

Books, Business, Ghostwriting, Writing

It’s easy to put off writing your own book when you’re not a professional writer. You may love inspiring people through speaking, but when it comes to writing your own book, it’s a whole different story. Excuse the pun …

It’s a shame to let your lack of writing ability, or time to write your book, get in the way of you landing more speaking gigs. The reality is that entrepreneurs and speakers with books, receive more invitations to speak.

Having your own book to showcase your expertise, naturally attracts more interest in what you have to say.

People love to hear authors speak on their topic because they are already recognised as an authority. You may be an authority on your topic but without a book you’ll often be overlooked in favour of a published author.

Here are 5 ways having your own published book gets you more publicity and speaking gigs.

1) When your book launches, you have a good chance of being interviewed on radio. When my first book, The Niche Expert, was published, I was invited for an interview on BBC radio. The organiser had read about me and my new book in the newspaper. This in turn gave me more publicity and led to some brilliant speaking opportunities. These resulted in more speaking engagements as well as paying clients. 

2) If you’re a business owner who speaks, rather than a professional speaker, a book creates buzz about what you do so that not only do you get invited to speak on your topic but your book also gets into the hands of your ideal clients. You will receive invitations by talking about your book and you’ll also be more likely to be selected as a speaker if/when you pitch yourself to organisations and associations.

3) By posting about your book on social media, you’ll attract the attention of influencers who are always on the look out for experts to speak on various topics. This may result in on-stage speaking invitations, tele-summit style interviews or internet radio and podcast interviews. I’ve lost count of how many speaking engagements I’ve had which were directly related to my books. After the launch of my first published book I was invited to host my own internet radio show, alongside some of the biggest names in the marketing industry.

4) Random meetings lead to speaking engagements. Or perhaps there is no such thing as random. A couple of years ago when I was on the plane flying to Berlin with my daughter for her 21st birthday trip, I sat next to a guy who was on the board of a big management organisation. We got chatting and I mentioned my new book, Living Fearlessly. The mindset work I do with businesses and entrepreneurs, resonated with him and I was invited to speak at the organisation’s conference. Again, this in turn led to paying clients and I even had an invitation to deliver a paid workshop for a large national company as a result. All of this came from me sitting next to a guy on a plane and mentioning my book. He asked for a copy and I sent him one. He read it, told the board about my work and I was invited to deliver two sessions at the annual conference with hundreds of entrepreneurs and corporate leaders in attendance. It was that simple.

5) If you’re a professional speaker, having a book will boost your results significantly in many ways. I’ll write a different article about how to get the most out of your book once it’s published but for now let’s just say that you’re far more likely to be selected as a keynote speaker if you’re a published author.  Again, it’s all down to credibility and showcasing your expertise. Becoming a published author establishes authority like nothing else.

If writing a book never gets off your to-do list then get in touch to explore my Done-For-You Ghostwriting service where I write your book so you don’t have to.

Your book will be written in your voice and convey your ideas and expertise so you will be the author. I’ll be the professional writer behind the scenes. It’s like when you hire a website designer to put your website together. Just because you didn’t code the website yourself, doesn’t mean it’s not yours. I write your book with minimal time investment from you, whilst you get on with your income producing business activities and putting your feet up on your days off.

Read more about how my Ghostwriting service works and get in touch to explore further here: Ghostwriting


I’m the bestselling author of The Living Fearlessly books, Certified Transformative Coach and Ghostwriter at Become A Published Author.