How To Quickly Do The Book Outline For Your Business

Books, Writing

How to communicate your book’s big message more effectively

Hello, this is Rachel Henke, bestselling author of Living Fearlessly and founder of
Become a Published Author coaching and ghostwriting

Today I’ve got a short video for you on how to ensure that your book conveys your big message. The answer is in creating a simple book outline.

It can be quite complicated. Business owners and entrepreneurs get very confused about how this works or what to do. I’m not saying there’s only one way to do it. There are tonnes of ways.

But I’ve used my own method for years to write my own books, and I use it with my clients. It’s really, really practical, quick, and gets you your outline done.

I want to share it with you today. I use this with my clients, whether it’s helping them because they want to write their own books, or whether we’re collaborating with me as their ghostwriter. (This is a just a fancy term for outsourcing the writing of your book to a professional.)

Either way, we need to know what the big message is of the book. So I coach my clients through the possible chapters. What are the chapter headings? What are all the chapter headings that you could possibly have in your book? Write them down. And as you get them all down, an order will emerge.

You’ll start to see which chapters could be amalgamated with another chapter and which chapters merit a chapter of their own. You may not see it all immediately, but you’ll see it as you start to write your book.

But the chances are in the beginning, that will become very clear to you. There’s this natural order that starts to emerge when you do this. It’s a wonderful process.

On each chapter, add in a few points, like some blurb about what’s the main point or points of each chapter? What are you gonna be delivering in each chapter? When you come to write your book, you will really stay on track.

And this is the way to ensure that with a non-fiction book of any type for your  business, your methodology is clear.

It’s coming across with this big message which is the purpose of your book, after all.

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Thank you for watching or reading, and I hope to see you on the other side, bye.


I’m the bestselling author of The Living Fearlessly books, Book Business Coach and Ghostwriter at Become A Published Author.